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Add/Update Contact LeadConnector from Invitee Created in Calendly

Key Takeaways

  • Zapier is an automation tool that acts as the bridge between various applications. With Zapier, you can automate repetitive tasks and free up more time to focus on important matters.
  • Calendly makes scheduling meetings easy by letting you share when you’re available and avoiding unnecessary back-and-forth.
  • Connecting Calendly with other apps using Zapier and automating tasks based on triggers and actions is easy.
  • Learn how to set up Calendly with Zapier from a simple, easy Zap. Yes! You can create a Zap to add or update contacts in LeadConnector from the Invitee created in Calendly.

Automation is the best way to stay ahead when you need to get things done quickly. That is Why we trust Zapier to automate our processes because Zapier makes it easy to connect and organize 7000+ apps. It makes it easy for applications to connect and work together, making a group of speed.

Zapier uses a simple but powerful formula to automate processes, and the formula is: If This, Then That. It sets up triggers and actions from which we create our Zaps that automate our daily routine tasks. 

For example, if someone schedules a meeting with you on Calendly (the “if”), then Zapier can automatically add it to your Google Calendar (the “that”).

Let’s use the same formula to create a Zap, which automatically adds/updates contacts in LeadConnector when an invitee is created in Calendly.

Connect Zapier and Calendly to Add/Update Contacts in LeadConnector Automatically

First of all, we will create a Zap by clicking the +Create button.

Now it’s time to select Calendly as our trigger app and choose our trigger event. It has only two triggers: one is Invitee Cancelled, and the next one is Invitee Created. We will choose Invitee created as our trigger event.

Choose Calendly as Trigger app and Invitee Created as Trigger Event

So that whenever a person successfully booked a meeting in Calendly it will trigger the Zap. It’s time to connect the Calendly account to Zapier, and after that, we will move to the next step and define the trigger.

Connect your Calendly account with Zapier

In this step, we will select User instead of Organization because we want the necessary data like name, email, contact, and more of the User who booked the meeting in Calendly.

The user subscription scope only triggers the webhook for subscribed events belonging to the User. The Organization Less subscription scope triggers the webhook for all subscribed events within the Organization. You must be a Calendly organization owner or admin to be able to use the organization’s scope.

Map the trigger fields

Before going to the actions, test the trigger to verify that it is working properly and get the necessary data of the User from the form he filled in from Calendly.

After Successful test continue with selected record

After testing the trigger, we will select LeadConnector as our action app and select Add/Update Contact as our action event to add the contact from the data it receives of the User from Calendly to LeadConnector or create the contact if it doesn’t find the contact.

Choose leadConnector as action app and App Update Contact as action event

Now connect your LeadConnector account to Zapier and define the fields of the action.

Connect LeadConnector account with Zapier account

We will define the necessary fields required for the contact such as name, email, and mark as lead. You can even define more per your needs or create more custom fields in GoHighLevel for Contacts.

Map the action fields

Test the Zap to ensure it adds the contact in the LeadConnector. If it finds it or not, it creates the contact from the email.

Test the action step

After testing the Zap successfully, publish it, and here is your Zap ready to automate your tasks. 

Important Tips for Setting Up Your Zap:

  1. Always select the trigger event that best suits your workflow. For this scenario, selecting “Invitee Created” in Calendly as the trigger ensures that every new meeting booked triggers the desired action in LeadConnector.
  2. Before finalizing your Zap, test the trigger to confirm it captures the correct Calendly data. This step is crucial to avoid errors in the workflow.
  3. Decide whether you need the trigger to respond to events from a specific user or across the organization. This choice affects the data captured by Zapier and, later, the actions it can perform.
  4. When setting up the action to add or update contacts in LeadConnector, define all the necessary fields. Custom fields can be particularly useful for creating contact information for your business.
  5. Test your Zap before going live to confirm the Zap is working as intended. It includes checking if the contact is correctly added or updated in LeadConnector with all the right information.
  6. After your Zap is live, monitor its performance regularly. It will help quickly identify and fix any issues that may arise, ensuring your automation remains effective over time.


Automation tools like Zapier have brought numerous changes in handling repetitive tasks, closed the gap between various applications like Calendly and LeadConnector, and significantly boosted productivity. By automating the process of adding or updating contacts in LeadConnector, your business can make sure no lead is missed, and every interaction is capitalized upon. The key is setting up your Zaps correctly, testing them thoroughly, and choosing the right triggers and actions based on your requirements. With a properly configured Zap, you’re not just automating a task; you’re setting up a system that works tirelessly in the background and keeps your leads organized and focused on other important tasks.


Absolutely! Zapier allows you to connect Calendly with various other apps, from email marketing platforms to project management tools. You can create custom Zaps to synchronize Calendly with multiple apps, creating a highly efficient and interconnected workflow.

Zapier Calendly integration is versatile and can benefit both individuals and businesses. Whether you’re a solopreneur managing your appointments or part of a large team coordinating meetings, this integration can streamline your scheduling and automate various tasks, saving you time and reducing manual work.

While Zapier can automate many aspects of your scheduling, it cannot resolve scheduling conflicts within Calendly. However, Calendly has built-in features to prevent double bookings, allowing you to set your availability and preferred appointment times.

Both Zapier and Calendly offer free plans with limited functionality, but for more advanced features and extensive automation, you may need to upgrade to their paid plans. How much it costs will depend on what you need and how many Zaps you make.

Zapier and Calendly take data security seriously. They use several security methods to keep your data safe, such as encryption and access controls. However, it’s essential to check their privacy policies and terms of service to ensure they follow your specific rules and standards for data security.

Syed Fahad Hussain

I'm Fahad, the wordsmith at EasyAiz. I turn content into magic for people and businesses, creating captivating messages that connect with audiences. Outside of work, I enjoy anime, basketball, and music. I bring enchantment to both my work and life at EasyAiz.