You are currently viewing Integrate Revoke Acces in Kajabi from GoHighLevel Using Zapier

Revoke Access to an Offer in Kajabi from Pipeline Stage Changed in GoHighLevel (LeadConnecter)

Key Takeaways

  • The combination of GoHighLevel and Zapier simplifies marketing campaigns, eliminating manual data entry and facilitating effective campaigns. Marketing tasks like lead tracking, email marketing, and social media updates can operate efficiently.
  • With GoHighLevel and Zapier working together, sales processes have become efficient. From automated follow-ups to lead assignments, sales teams can work efficiently, ensuring no lead slips.
  • The integration of Zapier and GoHighLevel advances customer relationship management. Automated responses, personalized communication, and timely follow-ups have become standard practices, helping to strengthen client connections and satisfaction.
  • Learn from the step-by-step process for making a Zap revoke access to an offer in Kajabi when the pipeline stage changes in the lead connector.

Have you ever wondered how to take your business operations to the next level, streamlining tasks and boosting efficiency? It’s not a problem if you don’t have the answer. Let me tell you how to streamline business operations. The answer is simple: Use Zapier and GoHighLevel together to automate your work processes and achieve new levels of growth and productivity. 

If you are a marketing agency, you could use GoHighLevel and Zapier to connect you to various services. GHl is a marketing automation and CRM tool that handles multiple aspects of your business, from marketing to sales and customer relationship management. 

On the other hand, Zapier helps you connect with 7000+ applications, making them work effortlessly and automating processes with your favourite apps.

Integrating GoHighLevel with Zapier ensures seamless and well-coordinated performance. In this article, we will explore how to automate a specific workflow using Zapier with GoHighLevel: “Revoke Access to an Offer in Kajabi from Pipeline Stage Changed in Lead Connector.” This integration helps you automate your sales process by automatically revoking access to offers in Kajabi whenever the pipeline stage changes in your Lead Connector. By following the step-by-step guide outlined below, you can simplify your workflow, reduce manual errors, and focus on more strategic tasks.

GoHighLevel (LeadConnector) & Zapier Integration Process

Connect Zapier and GoHighLevel to Revoke Access to an Offer in Kajabi

Click on the +create button to start creating a Zap. The second step is to select Lead Connector as your trigger app. You may wonder why a lead Connector. The answer is that in Zapier, you will find GoHighLevel as the lead Connector.

Choose LeadConnector as an Trigger app

Now select “Pipeline Stage Changed” as the trigger event.

Select lead Connnector as an Trigger app

Now connect your LeadConnector (GHL) account to Zapier and move to the next step.

Connect LeadConnector account with Zapier

In this step Map the fields mentioned in this picture, select Lead Gen in the first field In Pipeline, and Cancelled in the second field Moved to Storage.

we have specified our stage canceled, so whenever we move the pipeline to the canceled stage, it will trigger the Zap.

Mapping field In Pipeline and Moved to Stage fields in trigger app

When we test our trigger, it will get all the necessary data, such as first name, last name, email, contact information, and more.

Test the LeadConnector trigger

It’s time to select Kajabi as our action app and select Revoke Access to an Offer in Kajabi as an event. It will revoke the access of the person offered in Kajabi. The offer could be off the course. 

Select Kajabi as an action app and Revoke Access to an Offer as an action event

Connect your Kajabi account to Zapier and move to the next part to define the action.

Connect your Kajabi account with Zapier

Please provide the Site ID, Offer ID, and External User ID of the person who has access to the offer in Kajabi.

Mapping the Kajabi app action fields

Click on Continue to test the Action step. It will then send a revoked offer to Kajabi, and the person’s offer will be withdrawn. Once it’s done, Publish your Zap.

Testing the Kajabi action app

With this simple step-by-step process, you can easily revoke access to an Offer in Kajabi whenever a Pipeline stage is changed in LeadConnector.

A few Tips for Future 

As your business grows, so do your plans. GoHighLevel and Zapier integrated solutions are expandable and can grow with your business. Their integration focuses on future updates and compatibility, so make sure you have the latest features to stay ahead of the competition.

Investing in business tools is also an investment for real-time success. Zapier and GoHighLevel integration not only saves time but is also cost-effective. So, say Goodbye to costly tasks, manual errors, and the need for many separate tools. It’s a cost-effective fix that increases your return on investment(ROI).

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Integrating Zapier and GoHighLevel can let you automatically add contacts to LeadConnector, alert your team to new lead activity, add leads to campaigns, and automatically generate proposals and contracts. With Zap, you can revoke access to an offer in Kajabi whenever a pipeline stage changes in LeadConnector. Grow with your business and easily adapt to new changes for compatibility and real-time success.


Absolutely! Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, the GoHighLevel Zapier integration is designed to scale with your business.

Yes, customization is a vital feature of this integration. Tailor the automation to match your unique business requirements.

Security is a top priority. The integration ensures encrypted and secure data transfer between GoHighLevel and Zapier.

Both GoHighLevel and Zapier offer extensive support resources, including guides and customer support, to assist you in case of any issues.

Certainly! Both platforms often offer trial periods, allowing you to explore the integration and its benefits before making a long-term commitment.

Syed Fahad Hussain

I'm Fahad, the wordsmith at EasyAiz. I turn content into magic for people and businesses, creating captivating messages that connect with audiences. Outside of work, I enjoy anime, basketball, and music. I bring enchantment to both my work and life at EasyAiz.