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How to connect Zapier and Notion to automate your business

Key Takeaways

  • Automation is the best way to lose much of a burden. Zapier and Notion are two powerful tools that, when combined, power automation and integration with other apps.
  • Meet Notion, which is your helping hand in notes, data, and projects all in one place.
  • Zapier serves as a bridge that connects various apps and services, while automation serves in one workspace for notes, tasks, and databases.
  • When these two work together, prepare for a business transformation that increases growth and productivity.

The power of integrating Zapier with Notion lies in the ability to create automated workflows known as “Zaps.” You can set up Zaps to perform various actions, which saves time and provides more data accuracy. Whether it’s capturing leads, managing projects, or sending notifications, the possibilities are endless.

Integrating Notion with Zapier can take your project management to a whole new level, which will prove useful in improving efficiency, enhancing collaboration, centralizing data management, and customizing workflows. This is what makes it a valuable tool for businesses and individuals.

How the Zapier and Notion Integration Works?


New Database Item trigger: This trigger activates when a new item is added to a specified database in Notion. Whenever a new entry is created in a Notion database, it initiates automated actions in other apps connected through Zapier.

Updated Database Item trigger: This trigger activates when an existing item within a specified Notion database is modified or updated. It is used to initiate automated actions in other connected apps whenever changes occur to specific items within a Notion database.


In the context of Zapier and Notion integration:

Find Database Item: This search action allows you to search for a specific item within a Notion database based on certain criteria. You can specify search parameters such as the item’s title, tags, or other attributes to locate the desired item within the database.

Find or Create Database Item: This search action looks for a particular item within a Notion database. If the item is found, it retrieves it. If the item is not found, it creates a new item in the database based on the provided parameters.

Find Page: This search action enables you to locate a specific page within your Notion workspace. You can search for pages based on their titles, tags, or other attributes. Once the page is found, you can perform subsequent actions on it within your Zapier workflow.


In the context of Zapier and Notion integration:

Create Database Item: This action allows you to create a new item within a specified Notion database. You can define the content and attributes of the new item, such as its title, text, tags, or other properties.

Update Database Item: This action enables you to modify or update an existing item within a Notion database. You can specify which item to update and provide the new content or changes you want to make to it.

Create Page: This action lets you create a new page within your Notion workspace. You can set the title, content, properties, and other details of the new page directly from Zapier.

Custom Actions (Beta): This feature allows you to create custom actions tailored to your specific needs. You can define custom workflows and interactions between Zapier and Notion, expanding the possibilities of automation according to your unique requirements.

API Request (Beta): This feature allows you to make custom API requests to Notion’s API within your Zapier workflow. It gives you more flexibility and control over integrating Zapier with Notion by directly interacting with Notion’s API endpoints to perform actions or retrieve data.

Learn How to connect Zapier to your Notion Workspace?

Check Your Notion Account Permissions:

First, make sure you are the owner of your workspace in Notion. You can do this by going to “Settings & Members” in the left menu and checking the “Members” tab to see if you have admin-level access.

selecting Notion Setting and Members button

If you are not the owner, then ask the workspace owner to adjust your access level.

adding workspace owner

Connect Notion to Zapier:

Once you’re the owner, go to Zapier and select Notion as your app. Choose the trigger, search, or action you want Notion to perform. Then Click Continue.

selecting Notion as an app and choosing trigger

Now, click on “+Connect a new account” and give access to your workspace by selecting the pages, you want Zapier to access.

accessing workspace by selecting the pages to give Zapier the access

Once you allow access, your Notion account will be connected to Zapier.

Selecting pages

Confirm Connection:

After connecting your account, Zapier will appear in your list of connections within your Notion settings under the “My Connections” tab.

checking List of connections in Notion

This means you’ve successfully connected your Notion account to Zapier, and you can start using it to automate tasks between Notion and other apps.

Now, Create your Zap with Notion:

Here’s a simple step-by-step integration process between Zapier and Notion:

Create a Zap: In Zapier, click the “+create” button and click on “Zaps” to start creating a new integration.

Creating a Zap

Choose Trigger App and Event: Select “Notion” as the trigger app. Choose “New Database Item” as the trigger event. Because whenever a new item is added to a specified Notion database, it will trigger the integration.

selecting Notion as an app and choosing trigger

Connect Notion Account: If you didn’t select your Notion account to Zapier before, connect it, and if you did select your Notion account to Zapier, you will see your Notion account connected to Zapier.

connecting notion account to Zapier

Select Notion Database: Choose the specific Notion database you want to monitor for new items.

Test Trigger: Test the trigger to ensure Zapier is retrieving data from your Notion database correctly.

testing the trigger

Choose Action App: Select “Google Calendar” as the action app.

Select Action Event: Choose “Create Detailed Event” as the action event. When a new item is added to the specified Notion database, Zapier will create an event in Google Calendar.

Selecting the googel calendar as an action app and choosing action event

Connect Google Calendar Account: Connect your Google Calendar account for the action step.

connecting google calendar account to Zapier

Map Fields: Map the fields from the trigger (new database item) to the action (creating an event in Google Calendar). Specify which data from the new item in Notion should be used to create the event.

Customize Event: Based on the data available from the new database item in Notion, customize the event details as needed in Google Calendar, such as title, date, description, etc.

Test Action: Test the action to ensure Zapier can create the event in Google Calendar correctly.

testing the action event

Once you’re satisfied with the setup, turn on the Zap to activate the integration process. Keep an eye on the integration to ensure it’s functioning as expected. You can also set up notifications for any errors or issues that may arise.

Now, whenever a new item is added to the specified Notion database, Zapier will automatically create an event in Google Calendar based on the provided data.

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Common problems with Notion on Zapier

How do you work with dates in Notion?

Notion has ISO 8601 date format; in which you will get:

  • Year
  • Month
  • Date

Optionally, it includes:

  • Time
  • Timezone offset

When interacting with Notion dates through Zapier, it’s important to ensure that the dates are formatted correctly. If you’re including time and Timezone information, it’s recommended to use a tool like Formatter to adjust the format as needed.

How Zapier setting can affect dates?

If you still need to set your timezone in Zapier, it will automatically set all dates in UTC time. If your Notion account is set to a different timezone, this can lead to discrepancies.

To avoid confusion and ensure accurate date handling, it’s suggested that you set the timezone in Zapier to match the timezone set up in your Notion account.

Search for a database item by a date field.

Based on your Zapier account settings, Zapier might expect extra time and timezone information connected with the date when you use Zapier to search for database items by date.

To ensure accurate searches, it may be necessary to include a specific time format (T00:00-0000) alongside the date to override Zapier’s default time and timezone settings.

My databases are not listed in the dropdown menu.

If you’re having trouble finding your database in Zapier, check that Zapier has permission to access your database in Notion.

If the database is nested within other pages, un-nest it and temporarily make it a page to help Zapier find it.

Create a new app account connection to Notion within Zapier also to resolve the issue.

Getting an error about an invalid option at the time of creating a database item

This error occurs when you try to add options to a “Select” or “Multi-select” property type column in a Notion database.

To resolve this problem, make sure that the options added match those already in the Notion database. All other choices need to be added inside of Notion first.

I cannot see all fields in my Zap.

Not all property types in Notion databases are supported by Zapier. Unsupported types include:

  • Files and media
  • Formulas
  • Relations
  • Rollups
  • Status

These property types will not appear in your Zap’s triggers or actions.

My Zap is over-triggering

If your Zap is triggering too frequently, you can add filters to set a certain condition under which the Zap should run. This prevents the Zap from running on every change made to your database, ensuring it only performs actions on those items you want.

I am Missing Content in my Zap

When using triggers or actions related to database items in Zapier, it’s normal for the Zaps not to display data from content blocks within Notion.

Zap Doesn’t Trigger on Updates

Zaps triggered by the “New Database Item” trigger won’t activate if updates are made to existing content blocks within Notion.

Unexpected Error

The error “!DOCTYPE html” indicates a temporary issue with communication between Zapier and Notion’s servers.

Waiting for a few minutes or replaying failed Zap runs may resolve this issue.

New Pages Not Appearing

If new pages don’t show up in your Zaps after connecting your Notion Account, you will need to grant Zapier permission in your Notion account for those specific pages. This is because Notion’s API requires your explicit permission for each page that Zapier can access.


Integrating Zapier with Notion gives simple automation using “Zaps.” Triggers like “New Database Item” and actions like creating or updating database items can help you automate tasks and increase productivity.

To set up the integration, make sure you have the right Notion permissions, connect your accounts, and then create Zaps by choosing trigger events and actions. Be aware of potential issues such as date format compatibility and permissions for new pages.

Despite challenges, the combination of Zapier and Notion enables effective workflow management and communication, from which you can increase your business growth and efficiency.

Syed Fahad Hussain

I'm Fahad, the wordsmith at EasyAiz. I turn content into magic for people and businesses, creating captivating messages that connect with audiences. Outside of work, I enjoy anime, basketball, and music. I bring enchantment to both my work and life at EasyAiz.